Are RMG my Management Company?
No. We are the Managing Agents who have been appointed by your Management Company, Developer or Freeholder to administer the day to day running of the buildings and grounds maintenance. Other responsibilities include preparation of budgets for the day to day running of the building, collection of the service charge, appointing/organising payments to contractors.
As part of our agreement, our Property Managers will conduct site visits during the course of the year. Depending on the size of the development and the nature of the contract, these visits will vary in number from development to development, however for each site visit a fully documented report is produced and uploaded to your RMG Living account.
Payment of your Service Charge covers the provision of these services as well as further costs which are detailed within your annual Service Charge Budget. These charges are inline with the terms within your lease. These costs can include window cleaning, gardening, communal electricity, minor repairs, buildings insurance, management and accountancy fees.